Nurturing and advancing writers, students and shows.
Fostering creative teamwork to achieve greater possibilities.
Producing new and groundbreaking original music theatre.The American Music Theatre Project (AMTP) at Northwestern University supports the development of new musicals. AMTP’s goal is to provide artists and their works with the proper time, space, and resources to realize their intended vision and shepherd them through the next step of their developmental journey. By inviting artists and pieces to our campus, we allow Northwestern students to engage with new work in a rewarding and illuminating way through performance opportunities, assistantships, and observation. AMTP strives toward becoming a fully inclusive, equitable, and anti-racist program through the pieces we select, the artists with whom we choose to work, and how we engage the Northwestern, Evanston, and Chicago communities.
Our Values
- Nurture and advance writers, students and shows.
- Produce new and groundbreaking original music theatre.
- Foster an environment of creative teamwork to achieve greater possibilities.
- Encourage artists to take risks and grasp unique opportunities.
- Allow artists to focus on the art, free from distractions.
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